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Maritime Freight Statistics
The Irish Maritime Development Office provides up to date maritime transport statistics in an all island of Ireland context. Throughout the year, we produce a series of publications including quarterly port freight performance bulletins and an annual analysis of maritime freight and passenger traffic.
The Irish Maritime Development Office provides updated quarterly freight reviews on a regular basis. These reviews detail traffic and trade with other European countries and act as a summary of of Irish shipping activity over the past seasonal quarter.
The iShip Index is a quarterly weighted indicator that gauges the health of the Irish maritime industry and the wider economy. Created by the Irish Maritime Development Office, the index is comprised of five separate indices, representing the main maritime traffic categories moving through ports in the State: Lo/Lo, Ro/Ro, Dry Bulk, Liquid Bulk and Break Bulk.
The Irish Maritime Development Office's annual statistical bulletin, the Irish Maritime Transport Economist is a comprehensive reference guide to national maritime transport statistics. It includes trade, traffic, international shipping markets and economic data.
As an island nation Ireland is heavily dependent on its ports. It is widely recognised that both Ireland’s export industry and retail marketplace are reliant on the maritime links that facilitate the free movement of cargoes in and out of the national marketplace.