The EALING Project consisted of a series of Activities carried out by each consortium port, covering various aspects of Onshore Power Supply (OPS) implementation in EU ports. All of this knowledge is available for anyone interested in delving deeper into this topic. You can take inspiration from what each port has accomplished so far or use these insights as a starting point for further evaluations.
The EALING project (European flagship Action for coLd ironING ports) was completed in November 2023. The project focused on the electrification of maritime transport as it is a key challenge to move towards a more competitive and sustainable Trans-European Network for Transport (TEN-T) Maritime Network in the future.
The EALING Project was a 36-month-long Connecting Europe Facility project, with the aim of proposing a common EU harmonised and interoperable framework for the transition to electrification for at least 16 EU maritime ports in different sea basins (Mediterranean, Black Sea and Atlantic Sea).
Project Activities Included:
•ACTIVITY 1 - Harmonised Framework for the electrification of the participating TEN-T maritime ports
•ACTIVITY 2 - Maritime fleet adaptation
•ACTIVITY 3 - Technical studies for the electrification infrastructure of the participating TEN-T maritime ports
•ACTIVITY 4 - Environmental studies
•ACTIVITY 5 - Clean power supply plans and tender documents
•ACTIVITY 6 - Cost-benefit analysis and Financial blending schemes