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Job Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher – Maritime Transport Economics

21 Aug 2020
Job Vacancy: Postdoctoral Researcher – Maritime Transport Economics
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for a 4 year full-time, fixed-term contract as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Socio-Economic Marine Research Unit (SEMRU) at the National University of Ireland, Galway. This position is funded by the Marine Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme.

Job Description: 

Working with colleagues in SEMRU, the Postdoctoral Researcher will produce research aimed at increasing our understanding of the role of maritime transport in Ireland’s economic growth, environmental sustainability and societal development. S/he will explore the interconnectedness between the maritime sector and other sectors of the economy. Additionally, s/he will assess port policies in Ireland and examine what reforms, if any, to port policies are needed in light of recent national and global economic developments. The successful candidate will construct new economic models to explore the strategic development of ports and related infrastructure and the development of port policies that contribute to a competitive and effective market for maritime transport services. 


•Liaise with State agencies to collect data on the Irish maritime sector. 

•Prepare a literature review of reports relating to national ports, competition and spatial policy.

•Critically evaluate official reports and policy documents. 

•Prepare case studies, strategic analyses, economic impact assessments and economic modelling. 

•Write research reports and prepare peer-reviewed publications. 

•Engage with relevant national and international networks, and explore opportunities for collaboration and securing further research funding under Horizon Europe. 

•Build national expertise in this research area, produce policy briefs for stakeholders, and publish research findings as widely as possible through peer-reviewed papers, conference presentations, articles, etc. 


Qualifications, Skills and Experience 

Essential Criteria Required:

•Candidates must hold a PhD, or be near to completing a PhD, in a relevant research area (e.g. Maritime Economics, Transport Economics, etc.) 

•A minimum of 12 months relevant research experience. 

Desirable Criteria Required:

•Research experience in the area of port policies, investment and development.

•Experience with using quantitative economic models such as Input-Output models and Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models.

•Excellent writing skills for both peer-review and public outreach formats. 


Salary: €37,874 - €47,673 per annum, depending on relevant experience.  

Start date: Position is available from October 2020


Continuing Professional Development/Training:

Researchers at NUI Galway are encouraged to avail of a range of training and development opportunities designed to support their personal career development plans.


Further information on research and working at NUI Galway is available on Research at NUI Galway. For information on moving to Ireland please see 

Further information about SEMRU is available at 

Informal enquiries about this post may be made to Professor Alan Ahearne at 


To Apply:  Applications to include a covering letter, CV, and the contact details of two referees should be sent, via e-mail (as a single document in Word or PDF only) to Ms. Courtney Yanta at

Please put reference number NUIG 108-20 in subject line of e-mail application.

Closing date for receipt of applications is 5.00pm on 28 August 2020.

Interviews are planned to be held during the week of 14th September and will likely be held remotely due to the present Covid-19 restrictions.


We reserve the right to re-advertise or extend the closing date for this post.

National University of Ireland, Galway is an equal opportunities employer.

All positions are recruited in line with Open, Transparent, Merit (OTM) and Competency based recruitment

'NUI Galway provides continuing professional development supports for all researchers seeking to build their own career pathways either within or beyond academia.  Researchers are encouraged to engage with our Researcher Development Centre (RDC) upon commencing employment - see for further information.'