Irish maritime policy has focused on clear development initiatives over the past few years. Government Departments, state agencies and industry stakeholders have worked together to deliver an integrated plan for the marine and maritime sector. An outline of the specific strategies and associated publications are available below.
National Port Sector Reports
Competition in the Irish Ports Sector 2013, Irish Competition Authority
Code of Practice for Health and Safety in Dock Work 2015, Irish Health & Safety Authority
National Sector Reports
Ireland's Ocean Economy Report 2023
Our Ocean Wealth Development Task Force 2015
Our Ocean Wealth Enablers Task Force Report on Marine Spatial Planning 2015
A Study of the Current and Future Skills Requirements of the Marine/Maritime Economy 2015
Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth - Review of Progress 2014
Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth - Review of Progress 2012/13
Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth 2012